House work and visit from SM0CXU/PY2ZXU

This week some carpentry was done at the station but it went rather slow and I ran out of material, so my neighbour will saw up some more for me so I can continue. SM2XJP son came out and helped us a bit and SM2XJP both removed some of the old paneling on the house and also fixed the 2m GP so now we are QRV on 2m again.

SM0CXU who does originate from SM2 came and visited with his brother in law, his wife and his sister and it was a very pleasant visit. SM0CXU normally lives in PY and has got the call PY2ZXU. They also had a dog with them who looked almost exactly like our old dog Bishop except this dog Enzo was a bit bigger.


  1. Mike, Thanks a million!!!
    Interesting and got some new ideas to explore!