openASC progress

Been doing some Java programing lately and also implemented an external EEPROM to avoid having space limitations when it comes to settings in the device. Also trying to complete the functions for transmitting settings between the configuration software and the openASC-device.

Here are some screenshots of the program, how the status currently is.


Various configurations

tx_antennas_20m20M antenna setup. Antenna #1 has also got it’s sub menu configured

stack_setupThe setup for stack options, here the 20M stack

rx_antennasRX antenna configuration

ptt_sequencerPTT sequencer

debug_windowDebug window, used to debug the openASC device

Still a lot of work to be done but I’m slowly making progress. Plan is to have a public release if interest of this open source project gets big enough, and that people can add features to the public release.

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