Category Archives: New workshop/shack - Page 4

Progress in December 2018

The month of December I spent some time trying to get more organized in the workshop but it is a lot of work left to be done for that. I also got most of the ventilation done, some insulating to be done upstairs.

Another big milestone was getting the CNC mill functional and being able to jog it! This is very big benefit to have, especially when we start building the planned 10m monster stack to come in a couple of years.

Progress in November 2018

A lot of the work during November revolved around getting the heating working in the new workshop. I also got a CNC milling machine from a company nearby that wanted to get rid of it. So considering it was free I could not say no and arranged so that a friend picked it up while he was going by with his truck for work. SM2UVU also helped me getting some lights installed outside the shop which made a huge difference. I also spent some time putting feet onto my welding table plus I built a metal workbench from some parts I had gotten from GTL earlier.

GTL also gave me a bunch more dirt for the driveway and Emil came by and leveled it out and made it look nice. In 2019 when the spring has ended and the ground is dry I will finish it off by putting a fabric down and buy some gravel to put down.

Progress in October 2018

The month of October was spent finishing up the work outside of the workshop and also started to move stuff into the workshop so I could start using it again. The heating system was also planned and ventilation stuff for the shack was bought.

I also got some of the towers hooked back up. The only thing remaining is the 5el for 15m that is yet not connected. Me and SM2XJP also changed some of the guy lines for the 160m vertical.

Progress in September 2018

During September the main activities was finishing up the excavating to get electricity and water to the new building. I also did put down some cables from towers in the ground so its not needed to be careful of where to drive with the tractor. I also finished up the roof overhangs on the ends with a skylift I rented for 4 days which was a huge help.