3. Breakdown Of A Cartel Agreement

The Competition Commission welcomes the judgment on the conduct of computer cartels* The Competition Commission (Commission) welcomes the judgment delivered today, 3 November, by the Competition Court in the context of a procedure for the exchange of competitively sensitive information in the IT sector. (…) Introduction On 23 September 2020, a former director of one of the North Sea shrimp cartels was personally held liable for more than €13 million by the Dutch Regional Court of Noord-Nederland (“Court”). According to the Court, the Director`s personal participation in the cartel was considered to be (…) CMA fines the lead roofers` cartel over GBP 9 million* CMA has fined 2 of the UK`s largest suppliers of lead rolls a total of more than £9 million for breaching competition law. Following an investigation for alleged cartel, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found (…) The CNMC fines 33 school transport companies and an association for the creation of a school transport cartel in Navarre* The companies conspired to divide school transport to the zones and deceive the school authority of the government of Navarra, which drives up the prices of the service for 8 years. . . .

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