Ato Enterprise Agreement 2017

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) provides the following commitment under Section 190 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) with respect to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Enterprise Agreement 2017 (agreement): 5.1 The CEO or delegate and a staff member under this agreement may agree to an individual flexibility agreement to amend the effect of this agreement if: consultation and settlement of disputes61. Effective Communication and Consultation Committees 62 corporate advocaal and support roles 63. Consultation on key amendments 64. Significant change 65. Switch to regular rotation boards or normal schedules 66. Settlement of contractual disputes 5.2 The CEO or delegate must ensure that the terms of the individual flexibility agreement: contract title, scope and decision-making2. Title 3. Duration 4. Parties covered by Agreement 5. Flexibility agreements 6. Guidelines, guidelines and procedures in support of this Agreement 7. Transfer of competencies under this agreement If an assessment has been made, the applicable percentage applies only to the applicable rate of pay.

Workers covered by the provisions of the calendar are entitled to the same terms of employment as all other workers covered by this agreement. 22.7. In rare cases, it may be necessary to encourage a part-time worker to work overtime instead of getting his or her consent. In this case, overtime is paid for one and a half hours for all overtime worked Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Hours worked after 18 hours are carried out in accordance with point 25. The use of TOIL can also be granted at the corresponding rate. Limited flexible working hours may work, subject to a written agreement between the worker and his or her supervisor, to provide short free time for additional hours.

Such an agreement takes into account the purpose of shift work. Section 185 – Single Enterprise Agreement Request ii. the worker must become a homeowner within four years of the start of service in the new place where the worker usually resides in the new community or has entered into a contract to purchase or build such a home. 4.1. A worker dissatisfied with the action in paragraph 3, with the exception of paragraph 3.2 (e), may bring an appeal under the litigation and circumvention provisions of the agreement and the relevant provisions of the Public Service Act 1999. This agreement is the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Enterprise Agreement 2017. 64.7. If a clause in this agreement provides for a substantial change in production, program, organization, structure or technology in relation to the employer`s business, the requirements set out in points 63.1.a) and 64.2 and 0 are considered non-applicable. You can download ATO Enterprise Agreement 2017 (PDF 1.11MB) in Portable Document format. 48.8. In the event of a prior agreement between an employee and the CEO or delegate, a cultural or religious day may be taken for the employee with the salary and time agreed with the administrator without the right to pay the additional levy. 23.4.

At the end of a billing period, judicial staff may accumulate a flexible hourly credit of up to four weeks (150 hours). Judicial representation staff may only hold a balance of more than four weeks with the consent of their supervisor. Employees may be required to use flexible hourly credits of up to four weeks in a block while their judge or registrar is on leave. If you have not yet received your $300 health and wellness benefit for 2017-18, please do so by August 3.

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