Bc Rental Agreement Credit Check

Good tenant screening techniques are essential for homeowners in British Columbia. A credit report is the best tool to prevent renting to the wrong candidate. A tenant`s credit history can draw landlords` attention to potential problems and provide important information that an applicant may attempt to conceal. Owners have the right to request a credit report. Permission must be granted by the applicant. Obtaining a credit report in British Columbia is cost-effective compared to the costly alternatives presented by a delinquent tenant. Social Security number. If an owner finds that a credit check is useful for a person, it is reasonable for the owner to retrieve the person`s social security number in order to identify the person in the registration cell in order to obtain the correct report. Often, a person`s full name and date of birth are sufficient to identify the person to a financial intelligence cell. For this reason, homeowners should avoid asking all applicants for their social security number or make it optional to indicate the social security number on their application form. Social security numbers can be used for identity theft, so it is best to avoid collecting them whenever possible.

“Owners collect too much information when it comes to potential tenants looking for housing,” says Drew McArthur, the data protection commissioner. “We found 10 of the 13 landlords who requested credit checks for potential tenants – and credit checks are not appropriate if you have good references.” Thanks to the internet, there are many ways to find out about a potential tenant, for example. B on social media and online searches. Reference reviews and, in particular, rent benchmark reviews are essential. In addition, we have some tips that can help you determine if a tenant is telling the truth. To learn more about the background and reference exams, click here. Collect the basic information of the rental application. This should include the applicant`s name, old address and social security number. Include on the application form that the tenant agrees to submit a review of credit developments. This authorization must be obtained before moving forward.

Keep rental properties in good condition – they should meet health, safety and housing standards. Hutniak believes that all homeowners should have the right to perform soft credit checks that do not affect the applicant`s credit rating. If you agree to a credit check with an online provider such as Equifax or TransUnion.

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