The motor got a roof

One thing that has been on the agenda since the 60m tower was put up, was to build a roof over the rotator and base of the tower. This has been pushed forward by saying “I just need to have it done before the winter”. Now when it was quite bad weather I decided it was time to do it. I spent a few hours on it and it was finished. I would have liked a leaning roof a bit more, so that the snow would fall of by itself, but it is hard to get it “tight” around the tower base by doing that. So I just ended up with a flat roof. I guess one will need to wipe it off from time to time, but that is no problem since the tower is not very far away.

I also measured where the WARC tower should be placed. This tower might also be holding some 20m beam in the beginning, if we don’t manage to get the 40m tower up before the winter. I need to cut down some trees to make room for the guy wires and its positioned > 20m away from the guy wires of the 60m tower, so that if something happens there is no risk of it falling over the guy wires of that tower. It’s not very far from the house, so it will be very fine to use for 6m and maybe also 2m since the runs of cable will not be long.

My girlfriend is doing the work so that we have plenty of firewood before the winter. I think we probably have a couple of years worth as it is today and more waiting to be cut.

Tomorrow I intend to continue cutting down some trees and prepare so I can call the excavator to dig some holes for me.

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