The military tower is up

I arrived to SJ2W on Thursday evening when SM2XJP picked me up in Skellefteå since I had a very heavy bag with me, with tools etc I used in Moskojärvi when we picked up the last things from the 60m tower takedown last year. SM2LIY also came to SJ2W and me, SM2LIY and SM2XJP did pull out more coax to the inband location, so now we have one more roll of 7/8″ to get out before it’s there. I also did the final preperations for the military tower, attaching the top tube so that I can lift the 40m yagi in the top of the tower and the guy wires were attached.

When we were out in the forest SM0W called me and said the coffee was done. He had arrived with a colleauge since they were doing a “tour” up in north SM fixing commercial radio stations and had arrived and prepared the coffee for us. They stayed an hour or two before they left off.

Today we managed to get a crane here and lift the military tower. It all went very well and the tower was up and in position under an hour, I think we are starting to get a hang on this now 😉 The tower felt pretty good to climb in as well, we will see how it feels when I get up in the top, probably moves a bit more but still, during the lift the tower didn’t bend much at all, so it’s extremely stiff.

SM2UVU, SM2NOG, SM2XLL, SM2LIY, SM2WMV and Tobbe from GTL did the tower lift.

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