June update 2019

June was a lot of trying to pull cables for the new shack, adding the surge disconnect switches, repairing the tractor and making parts for friends and neighbours. I am hoping that I will be able to get the shack moved during my vacation which is 5 weeks beginning on July the 8th.

SM2UVU helped me changing the top guy lines of the 160m vertical since I don’t have the nerves to do it. I rather spend a day at 60m height in one of those towers compared to 1h in the 160m vertical. I changed the lower set last year but now I discovered the top rope I had was not UV-resistant which I thought it was…so we were forced to change it now. Now it is guyed at around 25, 17 9m which should be sufficient enough.

May update 2019

This month a lot was revolving around me buying a lathe. I had to build some machine skates for it and also a toe jack. I also managed to buy a bunch of wheels on an auction that will come in handy when making some machines etc movable inside the workshop.

Me, my dad, SM2XJP and my brother took the 500km drive down to where the lathe was located and everything went super smoothly loading it. I spent the night at my dad and moms place but SM2XJP took the whole drive in one day (1000km) and put the trailer and lathe inside my neighbours garage until I arrived and could unload it. I am really happy about it, the shape of it seem to be great.

I also did some CNC milling for a co-worker that turned out pretty good, I really like having both the CNC mill and the lathe.

April update 2019

This behind on updates. If you want realtime updates you can add sm2wmv_sj2w on instagram. I do daily updates there but here it is when I have time over.

April has been a lot of work in the shack and continue getting the workshop a bit more organized. Progress has been pretty good and I am really happy with how the radio/electronics/workshop part is turning out.

March update 2019

The month of March was spent by doing a lot of work in the radio shack. The solid oak desk has been built and also the shelving has been put in. In the “fake room” shelving has also been attached.

I have also managed to get mist coolant mounted on the CNC and been able to mill some parts. It will be an essential part of getting the stuff moved since I will need to mill up quite a few parts for the planned new surge disconnects etc. More on this to come!