15m stack finished

This last week has been quite intense. I’ve spent some evenings finishing up parts for the 15m beams and during the weekend we managed to get all beams ready and lifted. The crew during the antenna lift was SM2XLL, SM2LIY and SM2UVU plus me. SM2UVU did the climbing while attaching the beams and when he had to leave at 1400 I climbed and we hoisted the stackbox and finished up some details on the side support for the booms. On Sunday I did another climb and finished up the work so we could try it out during the CQP which was fun. It seem to be a killer, during the wide open propagation’s during the day we didn’t see that much difference in signal strength but the signals were a lot more stable on the new stack. But when we got late evening/night propagation’s we could see 5-10dB difference which is what I was hoping for. Also it gives us a lot more flexibility being able to have three directions on 15m where two of the systems are stacks that perform very well on DX. I will be getting to test it out during the SAC SSB contest this weekend SOAB HP, so make sure to work SJ2W on as many bands as possible!

On Sunday SM2XJP came out and we put some connectors on cables and shifted out the 1 1/4″ coax to the 2/2el stack and put it on the new 15m stack. I would rather have one piece of coax to the main antenna system for a band and let the secondary system on 40m have 7/8″ with a few jumpers. Less risk of failures of the main system that way, also less loss on the 1 1/4″.

Now some smaller tasks are left to do before the snow is allowed to arrive. We need to get the tower rotating and hopefully we can get that done before CQWW CW. I doubt we’ll have it rotating before CQWW SSB but you never know, we’ll see. Currently I am feeling a bit drained on energy but hopefully that will improve during the week, it usually does.

So CU lads in SAC SSB and big thanks to SA2BRJ who did the optimization of the stack on the super computer they have at work!


  1. Wow! Nice work. 5 X 6 el on 15 m! Hope you will make some new reccord on upcomming SAC and CQWW.

    CUL! Bertie

  2. Luis Delgadillo-Jaime XE2B

    Nice setup!


    Luis XE2B

  3. Awsome!!! nice stack. GL in the contests.
    73 Jan

  4. No record but ended up WW1 in ARRL CW with this moster stack 2015 trying for the first time as SO /SM2LIY op.