More antennas up

This weekend we were a bunch of people helping to get some antennas up. We managed to get the Top 2el on 40m up, the 5/5el stack for 20 and the 3el for 30m up. The top 2el for 40 will be moved up 1.5-2m when the tram wire has been removed, because currently it is in the way. The low 2el for 40m is what is left to put up in the tower and some cables need to be pulled up together with the cabinet which contains a couple of L-matches for the 20 and 40 stack.

We had some issues from a mistake I had made, making the elements all too short since the center segment on the beam was not as wide as intended. It delayed us a 2-3 hours but we managed to get the planned antennas up anyway, even though it was pitch black when the 30m yagi had been mounted and I was climbing down the tower.

We also took down the 5el for 20 that was temporarily sitting in the WARC tower. It was quite windy, I suspect winds of up to 15 m/s in the gusts so it was a bit scary since it’s a pretty weak tower (not that there was any risk of it breaking) so it moves around a lot. When the dog rammed the guy wires running for a stick didn’t make the experience less scary. However it all went according to plan even though the rigging took some time.

Guys helping out this weekend was SM2UVU, SM2LIY, SM2XLL, SM2XJP and Blixten.

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