Rotator control from openASC

I’ve done some more work on the openASC project. A lot of new software has been written, including band interlock, some small bug fixes, more error handling, better support for rotators and more stuff that I don’t remember. I also intend to fix the rotation so that it works properly, so I took with me an KR-400 rotator that SE2T donated and modified it by putting in one of my openASC rotator boards. This board is basically just a micro-controller with a bus interface and some relay drivers and analog inputs (also digital inputs for pulse sensing). An external board is also used with relays that act as “digital” fingers pushing the buttons on the box. It is still possible to control the antenna manually if wanted.

When this works I will put rotator boards into all rotators. However the 60m tower need to wait until it has got its end stops, so that a computer bug doesn’t make it rip of all cables etc.

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